
niedziela, 30 grudnia 2012

Dr Kava

Dr Kava

  • Hoża 58/60, 00-682 Warsaw
  • Hours: Mon - Fri: 6:30 am - 8:00 pm
  • Phone +48 601 615 327
  • Website
  • Email

sobota, 22 grudnia 2012

Innovation Themes from Architect Daniel Libeskind

One of the greatest modern architects is Daniel Libeskind, whose masterprieces range from the bold angles of the Denver Art Museum to the stunning alignment of old and new in the Dresden Military History Museum to the creative master plan for One World Trade Center in New York.

In a recent interview with Elmear Lynch in Conde Nast Traveler, Libeskind reflects on some of the great innovation themes that instructed his previous work and speculates on several new trends that will drive architectural innovation in the coming years. By parsing each of the ideas identified by Libeskind, we can derive useful insights into our work as practitioners of innovation. Libeskind’s themes can be useful tools for innovation workshops and can assist in brainstorming exercises.

Themes from Past Architectural Innovation

“Living Rooms Moved Outside”
In this theme, Libeskind explores the trend in urban living where living spaces became smaller while public green spaces grew in size. Libeskind factored this into his building designs by paying particular attention to room for outdoor seating and greenspace, which would be easily accessible by large entryway doors, such as his World Trade Center design.

Innovation Theme – For the innovator, we should think about turning concepts inside-out. For example, when thinking about a problem to solve, we should consider removing the problem from its current environs and flipping it to the opposite space to generate new ideas. A simple example would be a team designing a new leaf blower. The tool is designed to be used outside, but as a thought exercise the team should consider what it would be like to operate the tool indoors and think about the types of capabilities that would be needed operating in this new environment (noise reduction, adjustable speeds, smoke reduction, etc.). Thinking about these capabilities could provide insights for outdoor operation or identify a new concept that the team might have missed by its limited focus.

“Substance Became One with Style”
Libeskind’s theme here envisions matching form and function by conceptualizing not just how a building looks but also how it functions for the people who use the facility. In this architectural approach, conservation of water and energy carries the same importance as stunning exterior and interior design.

Innovation Theme – An innovator leading a product development team could trigger an interesting thought experiment by transposing the roles of team members. Engineers could focus on style, while marketers could focus on substance. By forcing individuals outside of their comfort zones, the innovation leader could generate some interesting new concepts to consider for the product. Another idea would be for an innovation leader to make sure that his or her requirements are not solely focused on form or function but, rather, represent a mix of the two.

“Nations Declined as Cities Rose Up”
According to Libeskind, the city has evolved into a much more important entity than in the past, almost the point of the city-states of the past that are all-encompassing in their pluralism and power. Cities reinvented themselves from declining relics into powerhouses of creativity and growth.

Innovation Theme – The re-emergence of cities in terms of prominence vis-a-vis the nation is a classic case of Mark Twain’s famous assertion that the reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. There was a time where cities were seen as over-tired remnants of a time gone by and that they could not compete with the growing suburbs and exurbs because of infrastructure and space limitations. Some of the great cities of the world have fought this migration and transformed themselves to the point where the migration is reversed and cities are once again the land of opportunity. For the innovator, this theme indicates the importance of focusing intensively on the inherent value of an entity rather than the outward appearance. During the period of their supposed decline, cities still maintained at their essence an energy and vitality that the suburbs and exurbs would never be able to match. The job of the innovator working on a new concept is to identify that core essence of an entity and find ways to drive it to the surface.

Themes from Future Architectural Innovation

“Everyone will be an Architect”
Software, Libeskind notes, will enable individuals to design their own architectural solutions and be less dependent on experts. People will be able to generate their own blueprints for complex designs without incurring the large costs of traditional architectural services.

Innovation Theme – An innovation team could focus on where some task, process, or technology is complex and costly today but could be rendered simple and more user-friendly in the future. The team could then consider the implications of that transformation and identify new products and services that would flow from that newly-enabled simplicity.

“Individualization will Reign”
In this innovation theme, Libeskind observes that the era of mass production is nearing an end and mass-customization will insert itself into the manufacturing process. Architecture will become more of an extension of the individual and less of a statement of the masses.
Innovation Theme – An innovator could look at a product from the perspective of the end user or customer and think about the different attributes of that product that the end user would want to customize if given the opportunity prior to the manufacturing process. For instance, who would have imagined years ago that so much attention would be paid to the color of interior and exterior lighting in an automobile interior?

“Rooms will Change in the Blink of an Eye”
According to Libeskind, architecture will evolve away from its current static nature. Windows that can become opaque by sensing the light of the sun, along with floors that change appearance at the flip of a switch, will drive instant transformation to spaces that were once considered static.

Innovation Theme – This theme focuses on the size and rapidity of transformation. By size we mean something more than just a picture frame on a desk. Rather, we mean to target an entire wall of windows, or a floor for an entire room, with transformative capabilities. By rapidity, we mean the speed of the transformation. We are all familiar with transformation by re-arranging furniture or painting a room a new color. This innovation would focus on that change happening instantaneously. For an innovation workshop, we could look at a product, process, or technology and ask ourselves what value could be derived from large-scale, rapid changes to the target concept.

“Small Spaces will Make Us Smarter”
It is well-known that the increasing interactions of individuals in cities result in an innovation premium derived from certain urban locations (New York, London, Shanghai, etc.). Libeskind sees increasing urbanization trends continuing to drive innovation and greater intelligence, as larger number of people must be creative about organizing their lives in smaller spaces.

Innovation Theme – Two of the driving forces behind the increasing innovation activity occurring in cities are friction and doing more with less. Friction is the greater interaction between human beings that is facilitated by a city. The more people packed into a smaller space, the greater the frequency and intensity of interactions among those people. Over the course of time, these increased interactions lead to a greater likelihood of sharing ideas. Likewise, doing more with less is a typical requirement for urban dwellers who know they will have limited space for their daily lives, thus forcing them to think about how to get more out of their living spaces. For an innovator, this theme could mean increasing the quantity of participants in a workshop to obtain a greater variety of ideas and thinking about a problem from the standpoint of how to do more with less.

“Historic Cities will get Modern”
Libeskind’s final theme is magnificently demonstrated in his design for the Dresden Military History Museum. In this theme, old and new must co-exist in historic cities by leveraging the power of contemporary architecture to bring out the eminence of the relics of the past.

Innovation Theme – This theme emphasizes the surprising value of a juxtaposition of old and new. For an innovator working on a new product or service, a thought exercise could be to juxtapose that new concept with some themes from the past, looking for inspiration or ideas in the way that past innovators solved a problem.

By using these different themes from Libeskind’s observations on past and present architectural innovations, the innovation practitioner can inject new thinking into his or her efforts. If the innovator is not inspired by thinking through these different themes, then perhaps a trip to visit one of Libeskind’s architectural creations is in order.

Source: Eimear Lynch, “The Future of Design: Architect Daniel Libeskind’s Predictions,” Conde Nast Traveler (December 2012), p. 40.

czwartek, 13 grudnia 2012

Na narty nad Wisłę

Nadwiślański szlak rekreacyjny zimą przemienił się w narciarską trasę biegową. Start w czwartek, 13 grudnia, o godz. 19.00.

Wiślana Biegowa Trasa Narciarska ma ponad 8 km długości. Biegnie śladem popularnej w cieplejszych miesiącach trasy spacerowej, od mostu Łazienkowskiego, kładką nad Kanałem Praskim, aż do mostu Grota-Roweckiego, przecinając prawobrzeżny las łęgowy. Przy sprzyjających warunkach śniegowych narciarze będą mogli korzystać z trasy z pojedynczym, przygotowywanym maszynowo śladem do techniki klasycznej. Trasa ma niski stopień trudności - brak stromych wzniesień oraz ostrych zakrętów czyni ją idealnym miejscem dla początkujących.

Z trasy mogą korzystać wszyscy amatorzy zimowego szaleństwa – w okolicy mostu Świętokrzyskiego działać będzie wypożyczalnia niezbędnego sprzętu. W ofercie znajdą się komplety: narty, buty, kije w przystępnych cenach. Buty będą dostępne w rozmiarach od 28 do 47. Rezerwacji można dokonać pod numerem telefonu: 602 104 508.

Już w najbliższy czwartek, 13 grudnia o godz. 19.00, sympatycy biegówek spotkają się na terenie Stacji Balon na Wybrzeżu Szczecińskim, by wspólnie pobiegać przy świetle latarek czołówek i cieszyć się unikalnym dla trasy narciarskiej widokiem na panoramę europejskiej stolicy. 

Pierwsze zajęcia z instruktorem odbędą się w najbliższą sobotę, 15 grudnia. O godzinie 11.00 na trasę wyruszy grupa dla początkujących, zaś o godz. 12.30 wystartuje grupa dla średnio zaawansowanych. W niedzielę 16 grudnia zajęcia prowadzone będą w tych samych godzinach i w takim samym podziale na grupy. Zapisy na zajęcia oraz rezerwacja sprzętu pod numerem telefonu wypożyczalni By The Way - 602 104 508. 

W  sezonie zimowym na trasie będą organizowane zajęcia z wykwalifikowanymi instruktorami oraz wydarzenia popularyzujące narciarstwo biegowe, szczególnie wśród dzieci. Już 20 stycznia 2013 r. planowany jest Światowy Dzień Śniegu Międzynarodowej Federacji Narciarskiej. Centralnym miejscem tych wydarzeń będzie Stacja Balon.

Projekt Wiślana Narciarska Trasa Biegowa jest prowadzony w ramach zagospodarowania wybrzeży Wisły od 2011 roku przez Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa we współpracy z Towarzystwem Narciarskim „Biegówki”. Partnerami projektu są Stacja Balon oraz wypożyczalnia i serwis narciarski By The Way.

środa, 12 grudnia 2012

McDonald's otworzył w Polsce 300. placówkę

Sieć barów szybkiej obsługi McDonald's otworzyła w Gdańsku 300. lokal w Polsce. W sumie firma daje pracę 16 tys. osobom

W tym roku minęło 20 lat, od kiedy ta amerykańska sieć fast foodów weszła do Polski. Jak informuje w komunikacie prasowym McDonald's, na terenie Morskiego Parku Handlowego w Gdańsku otworzono 300. bar tej sieci, który będzie prowadzony na zasadzie franczyzy. Obecnie w Polsce 169 restauracji sieci jest prowadzonych przez 58 niezależnych licencjobiorców.

McDonald's otwiera coraz więcej lokali w nietypowych miejscach. W ostatnim czasie nowe placówki można odwiedzić w ogromnym centrum handlowym Maximus pod Warszawą czy w Pucku, przy drodze wojewódzkiej nr 216 na Półwysep Helski. Jest to o tyle zastanawiające, że trasa ta jest uczęszczana przede wszystkim w sezonie letnim i nastawiona na turystów. W zimie trasa nad morze świeci pustkami, gdyż jest na niej głównie ruch lokalny.

niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012

Jadalnia Popularna

Jadalnia Popularna

Warszawa Pl.Bankowy 4



 UWAGA! Lokal zamknięty!
ul. Wawelska 5 Warszawa

sobota, 24 listopada 2012

Toan Pho

Toan Pho

Polecane dania:
  • Zupa pho
  • Rosół z kaczki
  • Bunh Cha - grillowane mięso wieprzowe; makaron ryżowy z kiełkami i kolendrą.

Pierwotnie restauracja Toan Pho działała przy Stadionie Dziesięciolecia. Utworzona z myślą o azjatyckich handlarzach szybko znalazła szerokie grono fanów wśród Polaków.

niedziela, 11 listopada 2012

Piccola Italia & Mediterraneo

Piccola Italia & Mediterraneo

  • Cuisine: Italian
  • ul. Hoża 29/31, 00-671 Warszawa
  • Neighborhood: Śródmieście
  • sklep

poniedziałek, 15 października 2012



średnia cena obiadu dla 2 osób: 200 zł
lokal dla niepalących: tak
klimatyzacja: tak
udogodnienia dla niepełnosprawnych: tak
obiekt sezonowy: nie
lokal hotelowy: tak
kącik zabaw dla małych dzieci: tak
akceptacja kart płatniczych: tak

Pokaż Frida, ul.Emilii Plater 49 na większej mapie

Delikatesy Braci Gessler

Delikatesy Braci Gessler

  • ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 13, Warszawa
  • Hours:  Mon - Sun: 8:00 am - 11:00 pm
  • Phone: +48 228267936
  • FB: Delikatesy-Braci-Gessler
Delikatesy to dwa okna, w których ekspedientki wydają naleśniki, paszteciki, chleb i bułki (okno „wytrawne”) oraz bułeczki z serem i jagodzianki (okno "słodkie")

  • Take Out
  • Outdoor Seating
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Drinks

piątek, 5 października 2012

niedziela, 30 września 2012

Concept Tower

Concept Tower przy Grzybowskiej

środa, 26 września 2012


  • ul. Żurawia 32/34 (róg Marszałkowskiej), 00-515 Warszawa (Śródmieście Południowe)
  • tel. +48 22 696 561 652
  • FB:
  • Hours: Mon - Sun: 12:00 pm - 12:00 am
  • Email
  • można płacić kartą
  • toaleta niedostępna dla niepełnosprawnych
  • Opened: September 2012
  • polecane miejsce

sałatka z awokado, pomarańczą i grzankami z ciepłym kozim serem



wtorek, 25 września 2012

Café Milano

Café Milano
  • Koszykowa 34/50, 00-677 Warszawa (Śródmieście)
  • Numer telefonu +48 22 622 52 50
  • FB  (offline 11/14)
  • E-mail
  • Strona internetowa (offline 11/14)
  • Zamknieta 9/12

Rigatoni z szynką i szparagami 

pasta futti di mare

niedziela, 23 września 2012

Warszawa oddała cześć bohaterom: Marsz Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych

Kombatanci, rekonstruktorzy oraz młodzież z całej Polski wzięli udział w Marszu Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych, który przeszedł ulicami stolicy

Trasa marszu biegła od ulicy Marszałkowskiej, przez Plac Unii Lubelskiej do Placu na Rozdrożu, gdzie znajduje się pomnik Romana Dmowskiego.

W pochodzie wzięła udział młodzież z całej Polski, kilkanaście pocztów sztandarowych, kombatanci, duchowni oraz członkowie grup rekonstrukcji historycznej, którzy odtwarzają historyczne umundurowanie i uzbrojenie żołnierzy NSZ.

- Marsz oddaje hołd narodowemu podziemiu zbrojnemu walczącemu z nazistowskimi Niemcami, komunistycznymi Sowietami i krajową komuną. Jednocześnie uczestnicy marszu uznają, że walka NSZ o Wielką Polskę jest aktualnym wyzwaniem, gdy międzynarodowe siły kosmopolityczne i liberalne walczą z państwami narodowymi - powiedział  Artur Zawisza, wiceprezes Związku Żołnierzy NSZ.

Maszerujący nieśli flagi w barwach narodowych oraz transparenty, na których widniały napisy: "Bóg, honor, ojczyzna", "Narodowe Siły Zbrojne" i "Brygada Świętokrzyska". Wznosili także okrzyki: "NSZ pamiętamy, wasze czyny wysławiamy", "Cześć i chwała bohaterom", "W naszej pamięci żołnierze wyklęci", "Silny naród, wielka ojczyzna" oraz "Precz z komuną".

Marsz zakończył się pod pomnikiem Romana Dmowskiego. Zygmunt Goławski, jeden z obecnych pod monumentem kombatantów, żołnierz NSZ i działacz opozycji antykomunistycznej w PRL, podziękował wszystkim za tak liczne uczestnictwo w marszu.

- Wielki polityk, twórca ruchu narodowego - Roman Dmowski, przed którym pomnikiem stoimy, po raz pierwszy rzucił hasło "Wielkiej Polski". Gdyby zobaczył on dziś tak wielką liczbę młodzieży-patriotów, byłby zdumiony - mówił Goławski, który w 2012 r. został wyróżniony przyznawanym przez PIN tytułem Kustosz Pamięci Narodowej.

Organizatorem marszu było Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości.

środa, 19 września 2012

Good Maharaja Sq opened in Warsaw

A sign has been installed in Warsaw naming a square in honour of a maharaja who helped save over 500 Polish orphans from Soviet captivity during World War II.

The Square of the Good Maharaja (Skwer Dobrego Maharadzy) lies in the Ochota district of central Warsaw, commemorating the late Indian prince who died in 1966.  
A resolution was passed by the Warsaw City Council on 31 May in favour of the square being named in the maharaja's honour, following a campaign led by the Poland-Asia Research Center (CSPA).
It was decided that the recipient's full name - Jam Sri Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji Jadeja – was too much of a tongue-twister for local residents, hence the less challenging choice of words for the sign.
An accompanying plaque relating how the maharaja came to Poland's aid is currently being prepared by the state-backed Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites (ROPWiM).

The Maharaja of Nawanagar with orphans: photo - CSPA
The Munificent Maharaja
The Indian monarch currently honoured in Warsaw was the maharaja of the princely state of Nawanagar.
Although Nawanagar was technically one of the 565 states that were independent from British rule across India, in practice matters were somewhat blurred.
The maharaja of Nawanagar had been educated in England and had served for a time in the British Army, and when war broke out in Europe in 1939, the prince was chosen as a member of Churchill's Imperial War Cabinet.
With Poland divided between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, Moscow ordered the deportation of allegedly anti-Soviet elements to far-flung reaches of the empire to perform forced labour.
The families of the intelligentsia and state employees were among the most at risk of deportation. Soviet documents record that over 330,000 were deported, while wartime Polish sources claimed over a million.
However, when Hitler turned on his Russian ally, launching Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, Stalin was compelled to make an alliance with Great Britain and Poland - the Polish government-in-exile was in London at this time.
Stalin announced an amnesty for his Polish prisoners, and the enormous task of attempting to transport the scattered captives out of the Soviet Union was set in motion.
General Wladyslaw Anders, himself freshly released from captivity, began forming a prospective army of Polish soldiers from the deportees.
The Maharaja of Nawanagar became a rallying figure in solving the plight of the many children and women caught up in the conflict.
He volunteered to house orphans on his land, aided by the Polish-government-in-exile, and premises were prepared by his summer palace at Balachadi, on the coast of Nawanagar.
A school was run there by delegates of the Polish-government-in-exile, and over 500 orphans passed through between 1942 and November 1946.
The children warmed to the imposing figure of the maharaja, calling him 'Bapu' (Father in Hindi).
As it was, most of the Polish deportees who had managed to get out of the Soviet Union with General Anders did not return to their homeland after the war, owing to the installation of a communist regime in their country.
However, a considerable number of the orphans did resettle in Poland.
Nevertheless, the deportations to Siberia, which had been carried out by the Soviets, were a taboo subject in communist Poland.
For this reason, the maharaja's deeds were not promoted after 1945, until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 changed the status quo. 

The maharaja said:
 "My father was always interested in Polish affairs, which he knew much about thanks to his friendship with that great Pole, Paderewski. They used to meet in Geneva at the League of Nations. I remember one of those meetings. My father took me as a young man to Geneva and there introduced me to his friend, the great artist and statesman."

sobota, 15 września 2012


KFC Zodiak
Widok 26

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Qurrito; 9,95 zl

Brazer Menu z kanapką, 15.90 zl

Cheesamisu; 5,20 zl